Teleperformance workshop

workshop — 20.4.2022 08:00

teleperfomance workshop

20 April 11.00 - 17.00
at Tranzit House, Cluj

The participative performance is FREE, based on registration at the address.

Using a double teleperfomance device, we will connect with the “Open Source” group from France - The 9 artists of Open Source will be in a shopping centre, in a shop provided for artists. The place is small but with shop windows : We will be at Tranzit House.

First part:
Through the teleperformance, a teleperformer can listen in headphones to the directions of a person who will guide them from a distance. The remote person will speak into their ear and guide them step by step how to perform. Words and movements will be transmitted. So the remote person, now in France, will be present in Romania through the body and voice of the teleperformer, in front of the people who are with them. Then the other way around. The aim this time is to duplicate the device to link two remote people simultaneously through two teleperformers.

Part two:
We spend this day together and explore the themes of “lieu”/place, “non-lieu”/non-place, topography and the virtual. We will explore how we can theatrically transcribe a virtual conversation between a person at Casa Tranzit in Cluj, Romania and a person in a shopping centre in Arcueil, France. To what extent does the screen frame, the fear of bugs or the need to stay close to the screen and microphone condition our interaction? With the technologies at our disposal, we will receive and transmit information in real time and transform it into performative moments.